Saturday, April 11, 2015
In the morning I went up to the school and finished the network/computer work. Everything worked, but they still needed a power supply for the switch and a monitor. Luke will follow up on that.

I came back and we had lunch at the nursing school’s festival and fundraiser, called The TNS Mela 2072. Note the year… They had all kinds of great food, entertainment, and a theatrical presentation. Most of the rest of the afternoon was spent getting ready to leave for Pokhara in the morning.
At 4:00 pm we went to an English language church service that is held on the hospital compound every other Saturday. It’s followed by a dinner that is prepared by the didis. Both were great and a nice end to my time in Tansen.

When dinner was over Nora and I took a walk on the trail down on the hillside below the nursing school that she liked to escape to at times. The amount of variation in such a short distance was surprising. We saw mud huts, modern homes, a pine forest, vine-like jungle trees, and open fields. I wasn’t ready to be leaving so soon, but I as excited for the next chapter of my trip.

After the walk we came back and did our final packing up. Taxi for Pokhara comes at 9:00 am tomorrow!